Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Paradise of Indonesia

Indonesia since the old times was known as a country rich in natural beauty. Almost every area there are exotic places that became an icon for the area. Starting from the beaches, waterfalls, mountains and so forth which is a very beautiful scenery and the sights both local and foreign tourists.
Indeed, the most famous overseas since first is Bali, this is not surprising since tourism in Bali has always been well managed, it will automatically be foreign tourists who have visited Bali once returned to his country to tell their friends and family they thus make Bali has been promoted indirectly to the outside world but the real Bali in Indonesia is not the only area that has a very exotic natural beauty, there are many places globally that have not been exposed to the outside world, call for example Raja Ampat, Lombok and others.
It must be admitted also, tourism in every region in Indonesia has not been optimally managed by local governments. It is also closely related with the maximum support from the community also has not been fully realized as well. 

Cara Memasang Tombol Facebook "Suka" di Blog

Bagi teman-teman blogger yang belum dilengkapi dengan tombol Suka dari Facebook pada tiap halaman postingnnya, maka tidak ada salahnya Anda mengikuti langkah yang akan saya sampaikan berikut ini. Fungsi dan kegunaan tombol ini adalah sebagai jembatan penghubung antara pengguna facebook dan halaman blog Anda, sehingga akan mudah bagi Anda berbagi konten dengan teman-teman di facebook. Semakin banyak blog Anda disukai oleh pengggemar facebook berarti semakin lebih dikenal pula blog Anda oleh pengguna facebook, dan otomatis akan sangat membantu untuk menaikan traffic dan page rank blog.

Cara memasangnya,  perhatikan kode dibawah ini :

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